
Average score 514 Reviews
Laetitia Tardy noted on Google

Ce que j'aime dans ce restaurant c'est le calme quand on mange sur place, la fraîcheur de sa cuisine et la gentillesse du personnel (Translated by Google) What I like about this restaurant is the calm when you eat there, the freshness of its cuisine and the kindness of the staff.

1 month ago
benjamin gerard noted on Google

Très bon! c'est rare de manger des nems FRAIS! ça croustille, c'est magique. je suis client régulier, et je continuerai de commander ici (Translated by Google) Very good! It's rare to eat FRESH spring rolls! It's crunchy, it's magical. I am a regular customer, and I will continue to order here

2 months ago
Monjur Karim noted on Google

2 months ago
Michel F noted on Google

Toujours très bons sashimis et excellent service (Translated by Google) Always very good sashimi and excellent service

2 months ago
thomas piaget noted on Google

site de commande efficace , livraison rapide et les gyozas était particulièrement bien cuit et très bon. (Translated by Google) Efficient ordering site, fast delivery and the gyozas were particularly well cooked and very good.

2 months ago
romain DESLOGES noted on Google

Très bon et généreux. (Translated by Google) Very good and generous.

2 months ago
Quentin Boulard noted on Google

2 months ago
Yannis Midel noted on Google

2 months ago
Marine Debroise noted on Google

2 months ago
Aya noted on Google

3 months ago

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48 Rue Feray
91100 Corbeil-Essonnes, France

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